Please ensure these prerequisites are installed on your system before proceeding with the installation steps, these are needed by both validators and miners.
Clone the project,
# In this guide, we will utilize the ~/opt directory as our preferred Clone the projectgitclone
Install PM2, one way is through fnm
# for linux, a convenience script is available./scripts/setup/ for mac/linux (if you do not trust the bash script)curl-fsSL|bash# for windows, choose 1 of the following,# based on run any post-install shell setup scripts# based on assuming we are using zshecho'eval "$(fnm env --use-on-cd --shell zsh)"'>>~/.zshrc# you can tell what shell you're using by running:echo $0# verify fnm installationfnm--version# get npm & node, and verify npm installationfnminstalllst/iron&&npm--version# install pm2 and verify installationnpminstall-gpm2&&pm2--version
# for linux, a convenience script is available./dojo/scripts/setup/ verify both docker and docker compose are installeddocker--versiondockercomposeversion
Create your wallets if they aren't created yet
# run btclimakebtcli# create your walletsbtcliwalletnew_coldkeybtcliwalletnew_hotkey
Get some TAO and ensure you have enough TAO to cover the registration cost
# for mainnet, check netuid 52btclislist# for testnet, check netuid 98btclislist--subtensor.networktest# output from the `btcli s list ...` commandNETUIDNMAX_NEMISSIONTEMPORECYCLEPOWSUDO0128128.000.00%10τ1.0000010.00M5C4hrfjw9DjXZTzV3MwzrrAr9P1MJhSrvWGWqi1eSuyUpnhM...9817256.000.00%360τ0.0000118446744.07T5GTAfh3YTcokxWdGc3DgLV5y3hHB4Bs5PQGqw9fEn1WrcwWP...
the "RECYCLE" column represents the subnet registration cost
Register to our subnet
# run the dockerized btclimakebtcli# register your wallet to our subnet# for mainnetbtclisregister--wallet.namecoldkey--wallet.hotkeyhotkey--netuid52--subtensor.networkfinney# for testnetbtclisregister--wallet.namecoldkey--wallet.hotkeyhotkey--netuid98--subtensor.networktest
There are currently 2 options when mining, where Option 1 is to connect to our centralized backend, and Option 2 is to self-host the full-stack worker platform application.
Option 1: Centralised Method
Create .env file with the following values first.
# copy .env.miner.examplecp.env.miner.example.env# ENV's that needs to be filled for miners:# for mainnetDOJO_API_BASE_URL=""# for testnet - uncomment below line if you are using testnet#DOJO_API_BASE_URL=""DOJO_API_KEY=# blank for nowWALLET_COLDKEY=# the name of the coldkeyWALLET_HOTKEY=# the name of the hotkeyAXON_PORT=8888# port to serve requests over the public network for validators to call
Run the CLI to retrieve API Key and Subscription Key, see Dojo CLI for usage.
makedojo-cli# remember to use tab completions to see list of commands# authenticate and generate keysauthenticateapi_keygeneratesubscription_keygenerate# list all keysapi_keylistsubscription_keylist
Complete the .env file with the variables below:
DOJO_API_KEY=# api key from step 2.
Start the miner by running the following commands:
# for mainnetmakeminer-centralisednetwork=mainnet# for testnetmakeminer-centralisednetwork=testnet
Option 2: Decentralised Method
Create .env file with the following values first.
# copy .env.miner.examplecp.env.miner.example.env# env vars that needs to be filled for miners:DOJO_API_BASE_URL="http://worker-api:8080"# use this valueDOJO_API_KEY=# blank for nowWALLET_COLDKEY=# the name of the coldkeyWALLET_HOTKEY=# the name of the hotkeyAXON_PORT=8888# port to serve requests over the public network for validators to call# for dojo-uiNEXT_PUBLIC_BACKEND_URL=http://localhost:3000# for dojo-worker-apiREDIS_USERNAME=REDIS_PASSWORD=# postgres detailsDB_HOST=postgres-miner:5432# use this valueDB_NAME=dbDB_USERNAME=DB_PASSWORD=DATABASE_URL=postgresql://${DB_USERNAME}:${DB_PASSWORD}@${DB_HOST}/${DB_NAME}# aws credentials for S3AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME=S3_PUBLIC_URL=JWT_SECRET=# generate a random JWT keyETHEREUM_NODE=# get an ethereum endpoint URL from Infura
Start the worker api which will be connected to the CLI later.
Run the CLI to retrieve API Key and Subscription Key, see Dojo CLI for usage.
Grab the API key and add it to your .env file
DOJO_API_KEY=# api key from earlier
Now, run the full miner service.
# for mainnetmakeminer-decentralisednetwork=mainnet# for testnetmakeminer-decentralisednetwork=testnet# read miner logs using the following:# for mainnetmakeminer-decentralised-logsnetwork=mainnet# for testnetmakeminer-decentralised-logsnetwork=testnet