Guide - Miner

Note: URLs are different for devnet, testnet and mainnet, always check the Official Links!

To get started as a miner or validator, these are the common steps both a miner and validator have to go through.

Getting Started


This setup guide uses specific tools to ensure a smooth installation process:

Please ensure these prerequisites are installed on your system before proceeding with the installation steps, these are needed by both validators and miners.

  1. Clone the project,

# In this guide, we will utilize the ~/opt directory as our preferred location.
cd ~/opt

# Clone the project
git clone
cd dojo/
  1. Install PM2, one way is through fnm

# for linux, a convenience script is available

# for mac/linux (if you do not trust the bash script)
curl -fsSL | bash
# for windows, choose 1 of the following,
# based on
cargo install fnm
choco install fnm
scoop install fnm
winget install Schniz.fnm

# run any post-install shell setup scripts
# based on

# assuming we are using zsh
echo 'eval "$(fnm env --use-on-cd --shell zsh)"' >> ~/.zshrc
# you can tell what shell you're using by running:
echo $0

# verify fnm installation
fnm --version

# get npm & node, and verify npm installation
fnm install lst/iron && npm --version

# install pm2 and verify installation
npm install -g pm2 && pm2 --version
  1. Install Docker & Docker Compose

For Docker installation, see for instructions

For Docker Compose installation, see for instructions

# for linux, a convenience script is available

# verify both docker and docker compose are installed
docker --version
docker compose version
  1. Create your wallets if they aren't created yet

# run btcli
make btcli
# create your wallets
btcli wallet new_coldkey
btcli wallet new_hotkey
  1. Get some TAO and ensure you have enough TAO to cover the registration cost

# for mainnet, check netuid 52
btcli s list 
# for testnet, check netuid 98
btcli s list test
# output from the `btcli s list ...` command
 0      128   128.00   0.00%     10    τ1.00000     10.00 M     5C4hrfjw9DjXZTzV3MwzrrAr9P1MJhSrvWGWqi1eSuyUpnhM
 98     17    256.00   0.00%     360   τ0.00001  18446744.07 T  5GTAfh3YTcokxWdGc3DgLV5y3hHB4Bs5PQGqw9fEn1WrcwWP


the "RECYCLE" column represents the subnet registration cost

  1. Register to our subnet

# run the dockerized btcli
make btcli
# register your wallet to our subnet
# for mainnet
btcli s register coldkey --wallet.hotkey hotkey --netuid 52 finney
# for testnet
btcli s register coldkey --wallet.hotkey hotkey --netuid 98 test


There are currently 2 options when mining, where Option 1 is to connect to our centralized backend, and Option 2 is to self-host the full-stack worker platform application.

Option 1: Centralised Method

  1. Create .env file with the following values first.

# copy .env.miner.example
cp .env.miner.example .env

# ENV's that needs to be filled for miners:
# for mainnet
# for testnet
DOJO_API_KEY= # blank for now
WALLET_COLDKEY=# the name of the coldkey
WALLET_HOTKEY=# the name of the hotkey
AXON_PORT=8888 # port to serve requests over the public network for validators to call
  1. Run the CLI to retrieve API Key and Subscription Key, see Dojo CLI for usage.

make dojo-cli

# remember to use tab completions to see list of commands
# authenticate and generate keys
api_key generate
subscription_key generate

# list all keys
api_key list
subscription_key list
  1. Complete the .env file with the variables below:

DOJO_API_KEY=# api key from step 2.
  1. Start the miner by running the following commands:

# for mainnet
make miner-centralised network=mainnet
# for testnet
make miner-centralised network=testnet

Option 2: Decentralised Method

  1. Create .env file with the following values first.

# copy .env.miner.example
cp .env.miner.example .env

# env vars that needs to be filled for miners:
DOJO_API_BASE_URL="http://worker-api:8080" # use this value
DOJO_API_KEY=# blank for now
WALLET_COLDKEY=# the name of the coldkey
WALLET_HOTKEY=# the name of the hotkey
AXON_PORT=8888 # port to serve requests over the public network for validators to call

# for dojo-ui

# for dojo-worker-api

# postgres details
DB_HOST=postgres-miner:5432 # use this value

# aws credentials for S3

JWT_SECRET=# generate a random JWT key
ETHEREUM_NODE=# get an ethereum endpoint URL from Infura
  1. Start the worker api which will be connected to the CLI later.

make miner-worker-api
  1. Run the CLI to retrieve API Key and Subscription Key, see Dojo CLI for usage.

make dojo-cli
  1. Grab the API key and add it to your .env file

DOJO_API_KEY=# api key from earlier
  1. Now, run the full miner service.

# for mainnet
make miner-decentralised network=mainnet
# for testnet
make miner-decentralised network=testnet

# read miner logs using the following:
# for mainnet
make miner-decentralised-logs network=mainnet
# for testnet
make miner-decentralised-logs network=testnet

Last updated