
The stTAO Intelligence Chips (STICs) programme (the STICs Programme) is a system operated by Limitless Journey IBC (the Company) as a means of quantitatively tracking user activity in the Tensorplex ecosystem (the Ecosystem).

Disclaimer on Restricted Persons

The STICs Programme, Tensorplex.ai and the Ecosystem is not offered to and may not be used by any persons or entities who are a citizen of, resident in, are located in or are organised under the laws of:

(a) the United States of America;

(b) countries comprehensively sanctioned by OFAC including but not limited to:

(i) Iran;

(ii) Cuba;

(iii) North Korea;

(iv) Russia;

(v) Syria; and

(vi) the following regions of Ukraine: Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk; or

(c) any country that has been designated as high-risk jurisdictions subject to a call for action by international anti-money laundering principles or procedures by an intergovernmental group or organization, such as the Financial Action Task Force, including but not limited to:

(i) Democratic People’s Republic of Korea;

(ii) Iran;

(iii) Myanmar

(each such person or entity, a Restricted Person)

If you are a Restricted Person, do not use Tensorplex.ai, the Ecosystem or participate in the STICs programme, including via the use of virtual private networks.

1. Terms of Use

1.1 The STICs Programme is only offered to users under these terms of use. By participating in the STICs Programme, you agree to all of the terms as set out herein and as may be modified from time to time.

1.2 You agree that the Company may modify these terms of use at any time, without providing notice to you.

2. STICs

STICs are a means of tracking user activity in the Ecosystem. You may be given STICs for participating in the Ecosystem in various ways, including but not limited to:

(a) Holding stTAO;

(b) Providing liquidity for stTAO pairs;

(c) Bridging TAO to Ethereum via the Tensorplex Bridge; or

(d) Such other interactions as the Company might determine in its absolute discretion (Designated Interactions).

The Company reserves the right to determine, in its sole discretion, the number of STICs given for any given interaction.

3. Changes to STICs

The Company expressly reserves the right, in its sole discretion and absolute discretion and without notice to users, to modify, alter or otherwise change the calculation of STICs at any time and for any reason.

4. No Guaranteed Functionality

STICs are a means by which the Company tracks user activity in the Ecosystem and how the Company uses these data points are at the Company’s sole and absolute discretion. STICs do not represent an entitlement to any reward, benefits or advantages.

5. Non-Transferable

STICs are not a form of currency or credit, and are only a representation of a user’s interaction with the Ecosystem. STICs therefore cannot be transferred or encashed and any attempted sale, transfer or disposal of interests in STICs is expressly prohibited and the Company reserves the right to impose a penalty on any attempted sale, transfer or disposal of interests in STICs.

Last updated